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What is Philosophy? - Dr. Vikas Divyakirti's Views


Philosophy is a field that analyzes fundamental questions about human existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality. Dr. Vikas Divyakirti, a renowned name in the Indian educational sphere, delved into various aspects of this subject and its branches in his lecture "What is Philosophy?". In this blog, we will attempt to understand Dr. Divyakirti's thoughts in detail and explore how philosophy profoundly influences our lives.

Definition and Importance of Philosophy

The main objective of philosophy is to seek answers to profound questions about human life. It helps us understand the meaning of our existence, how we know what we know, and how we determine right from wrong. Dr. Divyakirti emphasized that philosophy is not just an academic discipline but also plays a crucial role in our daily lives.

Major Branches of Philosophy

Philosophy can be divided into several branches, each focusing on different aspects of human life.

  1. Metaphysics
    • Metaphysics studies the fundamental elements of reality, existence, and creation. This branch attempts to answer questions that go beyond the physical and material.
    • Key Questions: Does God exist? What is the soul? Is our reality just an illusion?
  2. Epistemology
    • Epistemology studies the nature, sources, and limits of knowledge. This branch seeks to understand how we know what we know and the reliability of our knowledge.
    • Key Questions: What is the source of knowledge? How do we acquire knowledge? Is there a definite way of knowing?
  3. Axiology
    • Axiology studies values, ethics, and aesthetics. It analyzes how our values are formed and how they influence our lives.
    • This includes two major branches:
      • Ethics: Studies morality, right and wrong, and moral rules. It seeks to understand the principles and standards of our conduct.
      • Aesthetics: Studies beauty, art, and standards of beauty. It analyzes why and how we appreciate art and beauty.
  4. Logic
    • Logic studies the identification of correct reasoning and conclusions. It analyzes how our arguments can be right or wrong and why errors occur in reasoning.
    • Key Questions: What is correct reasoning? Why do errors occur in arguments? How can we reach the correct conclusions?

Spirituality and Philosophy

Spirituality is also a significant part of philosophy. Different religious and spiritual systems have various definitions of spirituality. For instance, achieving Nirvana in Buddhism, attaining Keval Gyan in Jainism, and establishing harmony with the universe are considered spiritual experiences. Studying spirituality helps us understand how we can enrich our inner lives and attain peace and contentment.

Philosophy and Science

There is a profound relationship between philosophy and science. While science studies the rules of the physical world, philosophy analyzes the principles behind those rules. Dr. Divyakirti emphasized that science and philosophy complement each other, providing us with a comprehensive perspective.

Practical Applications of Philosophy

The study of philosophy is not merely theoretical but has practical applications as well. It helps us understand how we can make better decisions, incorporate ethics and values into our lives, and improve our thinking and reasoning abilities. Dr. Divyakirti stressed that studying philosophy is important in both our personal and professional lives.

Significant Contributions of Philosophy

  1. Crisis Management
    • Philosophy provides us with the ability to think and reason during times of crisis. It helps us view crises from different perspectives and make the right decisions.
    • For example, during any moral dilemma, philosophy helps us distinguish between right and wrong.
  2. Independent Thinking
    • Developing independent thinking is a significant contribution of philosophy. It liberates us from conventional thinking and inspires us to express our thoughts freely.
    • It enables us to question various aspects of society and conduct deep investigations.
  3. Moral Values
    • Philosophy provides us with a deep understanding of moral values and inspires us to apply them in our lives.
    • It helps us differentiate between right and wrong and inspires us to live a moral and ethical life.
  4. Compilation of Knowledge
    • Philosophy compiles various fields of knowledge and connects them from a broad perspective.
    • It enables us to establish relationships between different areas of knowledge and understand them together.
  5. Self-Development
    • Philosophy is a crucial tool for self-development. It inspires us to understand and improve our inner lives.
    • It motivates us to introspect and evaluate our weaknesses and strengths.

Historical Development of Philosophy

The history of philosophy has been rich and diverse since ancient times. Various civilizations and cultures have studied and developed philosophy. Let’s look at some major historical phases:

  1. Ancient Greek Philosophy
    • Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of philosophy. Great philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle made significant contributions during this period.
    • Socrates developed the dialogue method, Plato introduced the world of ideas and the concept of an ideal state, and Aristotle made important contributions to logic and various scientific fields.
  2. Indian Philosophy
    • Indian philosophy is also extremely ancient and rich, with significant contributions from the Vedas, Upanishads, Buddhism, Jainism, and various other schools.
    • Concepts like the soul, liberation, karma, and rebirth hold a significant place in Indian philosophy.
  3. Medieval Philosophy
    • During the medieval period, philosophers from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism made significant contributions. This period studied the relationships between religion and philosophy.
    • Philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, Avicenna, and Maimonides attempted to harmonize religion and reason.
  4. Modern Philosophy
    • In the modern era, philosophy made significant contributions to science, politics, and various fields of society. Philosophers like Descartes, Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche presented important ideas during this period.
    • Modern philosophy deeply studies questions of reason, freedom, ethics, and existence.
  5. Contemporary Philosophy
    • In the contemporary era, philosophy has expanded into various new fields. New trends like analytical philosophy, existential philosophy, and postmodern philosophy have developed.
    • Philosophers like John Rawls, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida made significant contributions during this period.


Philosophy is a vast and diverse field that studies deep questions about human life. Dr. Vikas Divyakirti’s thoughts help us understand that philosophy is not only an academic discipline but also plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It inspires us to think independently, understand moral values, and make our lives more meaningful.

Current Relevance of Philosophy

  1. Establishing Morality and Values in Society
    • The need for morality and values has become more important in contemporary society. Philosophy helps us understand how we can apply morality and values in our lives.
    • Through moral education, we can establish morality in society and build a moral society.
  2. Solving Global Problems
    • Philosophy can play a crucial role in solving global problems like environmental crises, social inequality, and economic disparity.
    • It inspires us to understand these problems from a deep perspective and find their solutions.
  3. Ethics in Technology and Science
    • The need for ethics in the fields of technology and science has increased in contemporary times. Philosophy helps us understand how we can incorporate ethics into these fields.
    • Through ethical technological development, we can find beneficial technological solutions for society.
  4. Personal Development
    • Philosophy is also important for personal development. It inspires us to introspect and improve our inner lives.
    • Through self-development, we can make our lives more meaningful and satisfying.

Final Thoughts

Dr. Vikas Divyakirti's thoughts provide us with a profound understanding of philosophy and its current relevance. They help us understand how we can apply philosophy in our lives and live a moral, meaningful, and satisfying life. Philosophy is not just an academic discipline but an essential part of our lives that inspires us to think, understand, and live better.

abhaymishra 22 July 2024
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